Robert verkar uppskatta att få tillgång till kunskapens källa, och jag vill ju inte vara sämre än Axel och Andreas. Jag har nämligen en hyfsad arsenal med manuskript på min dator. Jag kan tyvärr inte utan assistans lägga upp den på våra föreningssidor, eftersom servern krånglar. Däremot kan jag posta en lista med de flesta av manualerna. Och om det finns intresse går det självklart att bränna en DVD till den som är intresserad, eller i vissa fall kanske till och med eposta mindre dokument. Framförallt riktar sig kanske detta till de som lockas av bare knuckle boxing, eftersom listan innefattar ett antal titlar som är fullt förståeliga och läsbara i sitt originalformat.
Listan är inte helt uppdaterad, så något kan saknas (och en del filer är tyvärr trasiga eller ej kompletta):
TyskaTranscription of 1074 Novi from Wolfenbüttel
Albrecht Dürer, Fechtbuch, 1520
Hans Talhoffer, 1443, 1459, 1467
Cod 11093, mitten 1400-tal
Codex Wallerstein, c. 1470
Hans Wurm, Ringbuch, c. 1505
Gladiatoria, sent 1400-tal? (troll 1500, min anm)
Ms.germ.quart.2020 “Goliath”, 1510-20
Jörg Wilhalm, fechtbuch, 1523 & 1556
Lekuchner, pal. germ 430, kunst des messerfechtens., cgm 582 mfl.
Martin Siber
Sigmund Ringeck
von Speyer
Hans Wurm
Paulus Kal, (efterskrift(??) av pfalzgreven Ludwig BSB cgm 1507, Bayern 2:a hälften av 1400-talet
Jakaob Sutor, Künstliches Fechtbuch of 1612 (1849)
Matin Hundsfelder Kutzen Schwert, 1491
ÖvrigaVanburen, Drilkonst, 1672
John Gaspard Le Marchant, Broadsword Exercises, 1797
Lieut.-Comdr. William F. Fullam, U.S.N. The Petty Officer’s Drillbook, U.S. NAVY 1904
A. J. Corbesier, Principles of Squad Instruction for the Broadsword U.S. Naval Academy, 1869
Rev. Edward Barry, A letter on the Practise of Boxing, 1789
Abwehr englischer Gangster-Methoden “Silent Killing” Tysk handbook, 2a världskriget
W. Pepper, An Abridgmnent of the New Broadsword Exercise, 1797
Mr Angelo, The School of Fencing, 1787
Anon., Worke for Cutlers, 1615
A Highland Officer, Anti-Pugilism, 1790
Roger Ascham, Toxophilus, 1589
Humfrey Barwick, A Breefe Discourse Concerning the Force and Effect of all manuall Weapons of Fire
Blackwell, The English Fencing Master Smallsword, 1702
Farmer Burns, Lessons… (catch Wrestling)
Jack Dempsey, Championship Fighting, 1950
Benjamin Cole, Soldiers Pocket Companion, 1746?
Anon, The Complete Art of Boxing, 1788
Anon, Revised-The Complete Art of Boxing, 1788
Fabrice Cognot, L’Armement Medieval dans les Collections Bourguignonnes, 2002
John Lanne Buchanan, A defence of the Scots Highlanders, 1794???
Brooks Mendell, Protect yourself – The secret of Unarmed Defense, 1944
Giacomo di Grassi, His true Art of Defense, 1594
Thomas Fewtrell, Boxing Reviewed, 1790???
Pallas Armata, 1639
John Sinclair, Hints Respecting the State of the Camp at Aberdeen, 1795
Historical Account of the Highlanders, 1795
Historical Account of the British Regiments, 1745???
Sir William Hope, The complete Fencing Master, 1692
Sir William Hope, The Fencing Master’s Advice, 1692
Sir William Hope, The Scots Fencingmaster, 1687
Sir William HopeThe Swordsman’s Vade Mecum, 1694
Sir William Hope, Vindicationo, 1692
Robert Howlett, The School of Recreation, 1696
H. Angelo, Hungarian & Highland Broadsword, 1799
John Lyde Wilson The Code of Honor, (1784-1849) 1858
Thomas Kellie, Pallas Armata, 1627
L’Abbat, Mahon’s Art of Fencing, 1734
Anon, Le Jeu de La Hache, 14??
A. Lonnergan, The Fencer’s Guide, 1771
Bertrand Loque, Discourses on vvarre and Single Combat, 1631
Thomas Simes, The Military Medley, 1767???
Daniel Mendoza, The Art of Boxing, 1792
James Miller, 1737
Henry Lemoine, Modern Manhood, 1788
MS 3542, Harleian Manuscript, 14??
Anon?? Fighting for Prizes, 1740???
Alfred Hutton, Old Swordplay, 1892
Thomas Page, Use of the Broadsword, 1746
People and Government of Scotland, 1747
Roworth, The Art of defence, 1798
Vincentio Saviolo, Two books, 1595
R.H., The School of Recreation, 1701
William Segar, Honor, Military and ciuill, 1602
John Selden, Single Combat, 1610
Abednego Seller, The History of Self Defence, 1689
George Silver, Paradoxes of Defence, 1599
George Silver, Brief Instructions,
Thomas Simes, The Military Medley, 1747
John Smythe, Certain Discources, 1590
, Stick Play, 19??
Joseph Swetnam, The arraignment of lewd idle forward, 1619
Joseph Swetnam, The School of Noble and Worthy Science of Defence, 1617
, An explanation of the sword exercise and drill motions,
, The Art of Fencing,
Thomas Toll, The Female Duell, 1672
James Turner, Pallas Armata, 1670-71
Henry C. Wayne, The Sword Exercise, 1850
Zach Wylde, English Master of Defence, 1711
Thomas Parkyns, The Inn- Play or Cornish -Hugg Wrestler, 17??
Edmund Price, The Science of Self Defence, 1867
Donald Walker, Defensive Exercises, 1840
Zachary Wylde, Consice Rules of Wrestling, 1711
Marozzos svärd och dolk
Moderna texter
Russell 1959 ang juridiska dueller