Författare Ämne: Thank you everyone for a great Swordfish 2010!  (läst 14692 gånger)


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Thank you everyone for a great Swordfish 2010!
« skrivet: 2010-11-10, 10:55:49 »
Videos of the competitions can be found att Mattias Ryrléns youtube page: www.youtube.com/user/ryrlen#g/a

Photos can be found here:




We had a wonderful time and we hope you all did as well, we hope to see all of you (and your friends!) next year!

If you wish to contribute to the development and improvement of Swordfish, don't hesitate so send us some feedback via the Swordfish mail, swordfish.ghfs@gmail.com

Here are the medalists of this years competition:

(upper  row from left: Jenny-Ann Peterson, 3rd place Womens longsword  competition,GHFS, Nina Trollvige, 2nd place place Womens longsword  competition,GHFS, Mikael Widegren, 2nd place dussack competition, GHFS,  Henry Rhodes, SDA NOLA, 3rd place dussack competition, Andreas Engström,  1st place dussack competition, GHFS, Axel Pettersson 1st place steel  longsword competition, GHFS, Anders Linnard 2nd place steel longsword  competition, GHFS, Tomas Nyzell 1st place mixed weapon nylon  competition, UHFS, Hans Jörnlind 3rd place rapier & dagger  competition, Gamla Stans Fäktförening.

Bottom row from left:  Dennis Ljungqvist, 2nd place rapier & dagger competition, 3rd place  steel longsword competition, 3rd place mixed weapon nylon competition,  KuHFS, Magnus Hagelberg, 2nd place mixed weapon nylon competition, GHFS,  Phil Marshall, 1st place rapier & dagger competition, SotS,  Krisztina Nagy, 1st place womens longsword competition.

And here are the videos of the finals:


Rapier & dagger final, Phil Marshall (SoTS, UK) winner, vs Dennis Ljungqvist (KuHFS, Swe):

Steel longsword final.Axel Pettersson (GHFS, Swe) winner, vs Anders Linnard (GHFS, Swe):

Nylon mixed weapons final, Tomas Nyzell (UHFS;Swe) winner, vs Magnus Hagelberg (GHFS,Swe):

Womens nylon final, Krisztina Nagy (Ars Ensis, Hu) winner, vs Nina Trollvige (GHFS,Swe):
http://www.youtube.com/watch\?v=5CDpXL7K ... re=related

Bonus material :http://www.youtube.com/watch\?v=FaEZZ43WrTQ

A review of the event by Matt Galas can be found here: www.fioredeiliberi.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php

/The Swordfish crew