Författare Ämne: Swordfish 2010  (läst 13573 gånger)


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Swordfish 2010
« skrivet: 2010-05-11, 14:55:38 »
Swordfish 2010 is a cooperation between GHFS and several other Swedish HEMA groups. It will take place in Gothenburg, Sweden (as usual), November 5-7. As always we will use the Aktiviteten facilities which means you will train, compete, live, sleep eat and drink all under the same roof.

You can arrive on the 4th but unfortunately you can not sleep onsite between the 7th and the 8th, so if you wish to stay an extra day or so you need to ask one of the Gothenburgers if you can stay with them or find a hostel or hotell (suggestions can be found on the Swordfish website).

This years classes are being arranges right now, so please visit the website or the major HEMA forums for updates on instructors and the classes they will teach and lectures that will be held.

Competitions planned for this year are: dussack, rapier, mixed wapons (longsword, sword & buckler, sword & dagger) and steel feder longsword. The competitions will be spread out during the event, with finals taking place on Saturday evening after the regular schedules end, so everybody will be able to watch and cheer.

for more info go to the Swordfish website http://www.ghfs.se/swordfish

Note, the info on the site concerning schedule, instructors, price etc. is still from last year, however info on location, travel, hotel and such is of course still valid.

Hope to see you in November!

/The Swordfish team.