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Talhoffer documentary on National Geographic
« skrivet: 2011-01-18, 13:06:36 »
"Violent, secretive, and packed full of knowledge, Medieval Fight Book  uncovers the real story of Europe in the Middle Ages.  Using accurate  historical recreations, amazing CGI and leading historians we reveal the  surprising detail that proves medieval society was far more  sophisticated and peculiar than we realize. Hidden in a dusty library,  this obscure and strange manuscript has the power to unlock lost secrets  from a medieval world. Contained within the beautifully illustrated 150  paper folios is unique imagery of bloody but highly sophisticated  combat, weird futuristic designs and inventions, ingenious engineering  and judicial duels. Hans Talhoffers 1459 fightbook is one of the  medieval worlds most mysterious manuscripts, challenging the legends and  myths that surrounded this often misunderstood period of our history."

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Read more at channel.nationalgeographic.com/episode/medieval-fight-book-5366/Overview#tab-Overview

The whole documentary can be found on Youtube: www.youtube.com/watch (note, YT has blocked teh first part of the documentary, the link directs you to the second part, of four).

A humble blog by John Clements covering the making of the documentary can be found here:www.historicalfencing.com/Talhoffers-Fight-Book-Blog.html

The show will air on January 18.

More info on Hans talhoffer can be found here: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans_Talhoffer

Additional information and several of HansTalhoffers manuscripts can be found online at the HEMA resource site Wiktenauer: wiktenauer.com/wiki/Hans_Talhoffer