Författare Ämne: Robert Molin of GHFS places 2nd in Uppsala national longsword tournament  (läst 14652 gånger)


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Another longsword tournament using traditional"Belgian" tournament rules was also fought, and won by Carl Ryrberg of ÖFHF before Andreas Ståhlberg of ÖFHF and Hans Jörnlind of Gamla Stans Fäktförening.

The tournaments were fought during the weekend event "Vasaslaget" in Uppsala, hosted by UppsalaHFS. Fighters from schools all over Sweden participated. The event also featured training sessions and sparring opportunities.

Congratulations to all fighters and especially the succesful fighters of Örebro Förening för Historisk Fäktning (ÖFHF)!

Videos from the tournaments and sparring can be found on the UppsalaHFS Youtube page: www.youtube.com/user/UppsalaHFS#p/a

Both tournaments were fought using the "Norrlandswaster" made by Plastsmeden: www.facebook.com/home.php#!/profile.php