Författare Ämne: Fechtschule Scottland 31mars-1april  (läst 13116 gånger)

Utloggad Magnus Hagelberg

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Fechtschule Scottland 31mars-1april
« skrivet: 2012-02-09, 12:53:22 »
den 31 mars 2012 kl. 10:30 till den 1 april 2012 kl. 18:30

"Fechtschule Scotland is a national Scottish longsword event that has been organised by instructors in the Academy of Historical Arts, the Dawn Duellists Society and Stork's Beak. The event will focus on the Liechtenauer tradition of longsword and will feature several workshops, some sparring sessions, a cutting session and a steel tournament.

The date will be Saturday 31st of March and Sunday 1st of April. The attendance fee will be negligible, around £5 per person attending, covering both days."

Tur retur med ryan air direktflyg landar på omkring 900skr + bagage kostnad. då flyger man fredag dit, och måndag hem.
Hostels ligger på runt 100-150skr/natt.

Hoppas ni ska med!