Författare Ämne: Jonathan Wilkins of GHFS takes 2nd in Örebro Longsword Open  (läst 11293 gånger)

Utloggad Axel Pettersson

  • GHFS tränare
  • Hero Member
  • *****
  • Antal inlägg: 3252
  • tränare f-grupp långsvärd
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Jonathan Wilkins took 2nd place in Örebro Longsword Open hosted by ÖrebroHEMA on Aprile 24-26. Jonathan defeated fellow GHFS members Nico Gallardo (16th finals) and Scott Hellroth (quarter finals) before facing Thomas Nyzell of UppsalaHFS in the final. Besides Jonathan, Scott and Nico GHFS was also represented by Albin Svensson (made it to elimination rounds), Conny Corneliusson, Rakel Fröyen and Fredrik Eiman. 3rd place was claimed by Marcus Pettersson of KungshamnHFS who defeated the energetic Christoffer Holm of Örebro HEMA.

32 fencers from 4 countries participated in the tournament.

Scott Hellroth and Axel Pettersson of GHFS hosted the first judges workshop on behalf of SvHEMAF, the Swedish HEMA Federation, with participants from both Sweden and Norway. The workshop included both fencing theory, practicla know-how of running a tournament aswell as definitions of the roles of the staff, video analysis and practical training as referee, point judge and secretariat during both practice bouts and the tournament itself.

All bouts from the tournament can be found on the ÖrebroHEMA Youtube page:

OOL 2013 Finals - T. Nyzell vs J. Wilkins

"When in doubt, escalate beyond all reasonable expectations."