Jake Norwood har testat de där nylonwasters, han postade en liten utvärdering på Scholas forum (ctrl + copy):
"Aluminum Wasters - I have played with these some. I think they're okay, if generally too light. They also tend to cost more than the plastic. The plastic is, IMO, safer. The flatness of the aluminium is more sword-like, though.
Hardwood Wasters - The nylon ones are superior in all ways but price...and in the long run I think that the longevity of the nylon wins out. There's no guessing with the quality of a batch of nylon like there is wood, too. The nylon reacts much, much more "sword like" than hardwood wasters. It's also safer. Blows sting more, hurt less.
Arma style paddeds - Obviously you can't wail on a guy with the nylons like with the paddeds, but with helmets and minimal protective gear (hard elbow pads, good gloves, etc.) the level of intensity between intermediate fighters and up is almost identical...and you've got more control with the nylons. Also, the ARMA style paddeds, in my experience, tend to break pretty quickly. The nylon also elimates the padded weapon bounce (and waster bounce). The nylon-on-nylon glide is light years ahead of any cloth or tape cover, also.
My paddeds - As with the ARMA style paddeds, minus the breaking issue.
Shinai - I haven't used the ubershinai, but I don't consider an unmodified shinai to be anything but a toy lightsaber. Can't comment past that.
Steel blunts - This is a loaded question. Obviously a good blunt, like Albion's new training line, is as sword-like as you're going to get. The nylons are cheaper and safer. I'd say that they also out perform any steel sword that runs under $350 that I've seen, except that even poorly balanced overly soft steel is still steel, and nylon is still nylon.
I've been hit, a lot, with all of these things (except the Ubershinai). The nylon hits sting, but do less real damage than wood or some paddeds do...and certainly less than a bad hit with steel. I'd say getting hit in an ungloved hand is not much different between these and a padded sword. There's usually so much more mass and inertia in a padded sword that it mashes your finger against your own haft. These don't do that as badly, which lessens the damage on a hand-shot. They do require more control than a padded sword, of course, as do all simulators as they get more-and-more sword like. I've also noticed that those newer guys who haven't played with steel but only wood or pads tend to get hit in the hands a lot when the start playing with these, probably because they're not used to the flex and glide in the bind.
Jake "
Låter ju riktigt bra tycker jag. Vet inte hur ofta träwasters går sönder i GHFS, men vi har ju pratat om det lite, att lånewasters pajar då och då pga överambitiös eller inkorrekt användning, de här verkar ju vara ett hållbart alternativ isåfall. Å andra sidan vet jag inte hur stort problem det verkligen är för oss med trasiga wasters i relation till nylonwasters för 1000kr eller mer/stycket.
Här är några videos av nylonwasters i användning: