Fick det här mejlet för ett par dagar sedan:
"To your kind attention,
My name is Flavio and I am part of the staff of Battlesword, a group of
people who have in common the fondness for historical reenactment and
This is our website, now in English:
www.battlesword.netwhose scope is to catalogue and review the swords that may be used in
historical swordsmanship or at least are sold as "battle-ready", in
order to help in choosing the right sword for all those whoneed to buy one.
We know that our goal is not a simple one, given the wide range of
offerings and models, but even thanks to your help we hope to make our
website a useful reference.
Therefore we need to make it known to as many persons as possible so to
estabilish a direct collaboration with anyone interested, through your
advice, reports and critics.
Furthermore, we would be very pleased to have your link in our link page
under the section you will deem most appropriate.
Of course if you would agree to a link exchange we would be very grateful.
Best regards
Flavio Esposito & the staff of Battlesword"
och tänkte att de i föreningen som har skrivit rescensioner / kommer skriva, kan ju översätta till engelska och skicka till den här sajten. Om man vill.
Han pratar också om länkutbyte, Engström?