Författare Ämne: WWOC, Hannover, Tyskland 24-31 juli  (läst 38606 gånger)

Utloggad Hans Jörnlind

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Re: WWOC, Hannover, Tyskland 24-31
« Svar #15 skrivet: 2010-06-08, 10:15:38 »
Dennis, jag åker gärna med i den bilen! Har bokat turneringsbiljett.

åker ner nån dag innan avfärd till Göteborg.

Hans Jörnlind

Utloggad Nina Trollvige

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Re: WWOC, Hannover, Tyskland 24-31
« Svar #16 skrivet: 2010-06-09, 10:22:10 »
Jag är vansinnigt sugen på att testa att tävla. Så damturneringen lockar starkt... Problemet för mig är att jag ännu inte kan lämna sonen över natten. Om jag inte kan åka över dagen skulle jag få ta med mig ett entourage med barnvakt osv. Jag skrev och frågade och Colin Richards svarade att det fanns 2, ev 3, damer anmälda än så länge och att han gärna arrangerade allt på en dag om jag behövde. Så jag håller på och ser över min möjligheter...

Utloggad Dennis Ljungqvist

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Re: WWOC, Hannover, Tyskland 24-31
« Svar #17 skrivet: 2010-06-09, 22:01:09 »
Hej Hans!

Du är bokad i bilen :) Har du körkort?
Morituri te Salutamus (Vi som snart skall dö saluterar er!)

Utloggad Anders Linnard

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Re: WWOC, Hannover, Tyskland 24-31
« Svar #18 skrivet: 2010-06-09, 23:03:09 »
Bleh, nu måste jag ta tag i saker. Jag ska ner till tävlingen, men har inte bokat något än.

"He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire." Churchill

Utloggad Anders Linnard

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Re: WWOC, Hannover, Tyskland 24-31
« Svar #19 skrivet: 2010-06-10, 09:00:46 »
Om Dennis bil nu är full, hur är det med din Per? Och över vilka datum planerar du åka? Om det går att trycka in en person till, så är jag intresserad.

"He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire." Churchill

Utloggad Nina Trollvige

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Re: WWOC, Hannover, Tyskland 24-31
« Svar #20 skrivet: 2010-06-16, 12:19:29 »
Tjoho! I´m in! Jag tar med mig familjen och kommer ner på kvällen torsdag 29:e och åker lördag kväll. Det har visst dykt upp flertävlingsdamer också.

Utloggad Robert Molin

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Re: WWOC, Hannover, Tyskland 24-31
« Svar #21 skrivet: 2010-06-16, 14:54:18 »
Skönt att veta att du kommer vara där och regera. Se till att pojkarna inte skämmer ut sig också
Se upp! Hoppas snart på en utvecklingskurva...UPPÅT!

Utloggad Axel Pettersson

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Re: WWOC, Hannover, Tyskland 24-31
« Svar #22 skrivet: 2010-06-19, 19:52:10 »
Nina T wrote

Tjoho! I´m in! Jag tar med mig familjen och kommer ner på kvällen torsdag 29:e och åker lördag kväll. Det har visst dykt upp flertävlingsdamer också.

"When in doubt, escalate beyond all reasonable expectations."

Utloggad Axel Pettersson

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Re: WWOC, Hannover, Tyskland 24-31
« Svar #23 skrivet: 2010-06-22, 14:56:07 »
Nu fick jag äntligen tummen ur och betalade in mig jag med.
"When in doubt, escalate beyond all reasonable expectations."

Utloggad Axel Pettersson

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Re: WWOC, Hannover, Tyskland 24-31
« Svar #24 skrivet: 2010-06-29, 14:08:00 »
Här är ett utkast till reglerna för tävlingarna:

1.At the start of the bout, the referee  will call the fighters into the ring and announce their names/colours to  the scorer and judges (and audience if present).
2.The time keeper  and scorer will each signal that they are ready to begin
3.The  referee will check that all judges are ready
4.The referee will  check that both fighters are ready
5.The referee will call ?fight?.
6.A bout will consist of 10 exchanges or 2.5mins fighting, whichever  happens first.
7.An exchange is a period of fighting that starts  with the fighters out of measure and ends when the referee calls  ?exchange?. ?Exchange? will be called when
(a)After a hit has been  indicated by a  judge and both fighters move apart out of measure after  the hit party makes one more action, or a halt to the fight has occurred  due to grappling or other actions
(b)A fighter leaves the ring
(c)Both  fighters move apart out of measure after an exchange of actions,  whether or not any hits were scored.
8.When ?exchange? is called,  both fighters must step back out of measure and pause before continuing  the fight.
9.The referee will also announce how many exchanges have  been fought. ?Exchange ? 1? etc.
10.When the 10th exchange is  completed, the referee will announce that the fight is over.

11.The time keeper will call ?time? when the 2.5mins are up if required.  The referee will call ?break? and declare the fight over.

12.The scorer will announce the final score to the fighters (and  audience) and record it.

There will be three Judges, a referee, a  score keeper [who may also keep time] and a Head Judge or President who  will preside over the bout. Their Jobs are as follows:
1.Judges,  three in number, will follow the fight and indicate by the raising of  either of two coloured flags,when they think a fighter has been hit.  Fighter will be designated a colour at the start of the fight.
2.Referee,  one in number, will organise the fighters, check other officials are  ready, announce when exchanges have taken place and keep order in the  fight generally.
3.Time keeper/Scorer, one or two in number will  record the score and keep time.
4.President, one in number, will  oversee the judging and will correct judgements that are obviously  wrong.  This ability to veto a judgement by a judge will only be  sparingly used.   Presidents will swap arenas regularly.

1.Points  can be scored as follows:
(a)By striking your opponent to any target,  with a valid part of the weapon
i.For most swords this includes the  point, the edge and the pommel* ? detail to be added here on a  weapon-by-weapon basis.
A.Bucklers can use the edge or the flat,  though utmost caution should be used with any strike.
(b)By grappling  your opponent to the ground, as long as you stay on your feet
i.Grapples that last longer than 5s will be stopped with no score
ii.Grapples must be safe.
iii.Grapples can be stopped by the  grappler at any time they show superiority.
iv.Only immediate  counter techniques will be taken into account.
(c)By forcing your  opponent out of the ring, while remaining in the ring yourself
(d)By  striking your opponent with your companion weapon, e.g. a buckler strike
(e)By  showing a controlled strike with the empty hand &&&&  [To be discussed]
2.When a judge sees any valid hit or point, they  raise the flag of the person who made the hit.
(a)Flags should be  held horizontally away from the body as soon as the point is seen and  held out until the referee calls ?exchange?. It is up to the scorer to  interpret the flags and record the correct scores.
3.A fighter only  needs one judge to see their hit to score the point
4.NOTE: it is up  to the fighters to demonstrate ?good? hits. Judges will decide if a hit  is good enough to score and will ignore light taps, flat hits etc.   Good hits will be demonstrated for the participants at the start of the  tournament.  
(a)Good hits are as follows:
i.Cuts which contact  with the edge in the weak half of the blade, and have moved a reasonable  distance from the last resting place.  
ii.Draw cuts that cut with  at least half the blade, forwards or backwards.
iii.Thrusts which  have not reached the end of their extension.
iv.Weapon pins and  grips that the opponent cannot release before the onset of the second  attack of the one making the pin/grip. Notice that pins and grips do not  show Superiority.
v.Pommel Strikes that contact face or hands.  Notice that Pommel strikes do not show Superiority.

5.Strikes that land at  almost exactly the same time (?nearly simultaneous? - less than 1s  between hits) count 0 for both fighters.
(a)Judges should raise a  flag for both fighters ? the scorer will record this as a double hit.

6.If you are struck  by your opponent, then you have one ?action? to make a counter hit and  nullify their point.
(a)An action may include one blade action, a  step or both.
7.If you are struck while your opponent is pinning  your weapon, then you do not get your action once they release your  blade
8.Counter hits must be made to the head or the torso
(a)Exception:  if you are struck in the LEG or the NON WEAPON HAND, then the counter  strike may be made to the head, torso or weapon arm
9.If you are  struck with the blade, counter hits may only be made with the blade, not  the pommel etc.
10.Judges should raise the flag of any fighter who  scores a counter hit ? both flags showing indicates the counter hit to  the scorer.
11.Judges MUST check that the counter hit is valid  before raising their flag.
12.Counter hits are scored like double  hits, 0 ? 0.

13.Superiority: If the first hit in a double or  counter hit is not made with the blade (i.e. a pommel strike, grapple,  buckler strike etc.) and the return hit is made with the blade, then  this is counted as a point for the blade (0 ? 1), not as a double (0 ?  0).
14.Two Point hits: If you can strike you opponent twice within  two actions, i.e. before they complete their failed counter strike, you  will be awarded two points. You will be awarded no points if they are  successful with their counter strike
15.Judges will indicate the  first point by holding the flag out horizontally and indicate the second  point by raising the flag vertically over their head.
16.The scorer  will award the points dependant on all the flags raised.
Only one  colour seen = 1pt to that fighter
Only one colour seen, including  vertical flag = 2pts to that fighter
Two colours seen = double (no  points scored, double recorded)
Time Out:
17.If neither fighter  engages for a significant amount of time, the referee will begin an  audible 10s countdown. If no exchange has started by the end of this  countdown, the referee may award a point to the fighter who was  attempting to engage, or call ?exchange, no score?.
Final Score:
18.The winner is the fighter who scores the most points in the bout
(a)Double  hits will be recorded for the purposes of tie breaks and to fill places  in repêchage style tournaments ? the fighters with the fewest double  kills will be rewarded.
The key points:
Any clean strike will  always score 1pt
Two clean strikes will score 2pts
Double hits  score 0 for both fighters
A hit, followed by a valid counter hit  scores 0 for both fighters
Blade strikes and thrusts always out score  strikes with other parts of the weapon or grapples etc.

Offence    Penalty
Failure to present ready to fight:   Loss of fight
Hard  hitting   : Warning
Seriously dangerous fighting, including unsafe  grappling :  Disqualification
Unsportsmanlike conduct : Severe  Warning, loss of 1pt

Two warnings in any bout = Severe Warning  and loss of 1pt
Two warnings across separate bouts = Severe warning,  no loss of pt
Two severe warnings = disqualification

1.Fighters must ensure that they are in the right place, at the right  time, ready to fight.
(a)Fighters who are not ready to step into the  ring when called by the referee will forfeit the fight. The winning  opponent will be awarded their average score from their other bouts  within that group.
2.Fighters must present themselves with  appropriate equipment, including armour and weapons as indicated in the  event rules
3.At any one time, two fighters should be engaged in the  ring, two fighters should be ready to fight and two fighters should be  ?arming up? in the designated area.
4.All equipment must pass the  safety checks made by the marshals for the bouts, as appropriate to the  event.

Q: I strike my opponent in the head and  they hit me in the leg after a step, what is the score?
A: 1 ? 0 to  you, as their counter hit is not valid (head or torso)

Q: I  strike my opponent in the leg and they hit me in the body at the same  time, what is the score?
A: 0 ? 0 for a double hit

Q: My  rushes in and strikes me in the face (repeatedly) with the pommel, but I  hit them with a thrust as they step in, what is the score?
A: 1 ? 0  to you, as the blade beats the pommel, as long as your hit was before  (or simultaneous with) theirs.

Q: I strike my opponent and they  strike me three times in return, what is the score?
A: 0 ? 0, because  they have countered your strike. Nothing after that counts. However,  your opponent must be careful that they are not excessive, or they may  get a penalty.

Q: My opponent hits me then retreats out of the  ring. What is the score?
A: If you do not counter the hit in 1 step,  then  the score is 1 ? 0 to your opponent.
"When in doubt, escalate beyond all reasonable expectations."

Utloggad Hans Jörnlind

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Re: WWOC, Hannover, Tyskland 24-31
« Svar #25 skrivet: 2010-07-13, 14:12:10 »
Jag åker ner till Göteborg på tisdag 27e, så ses vi där

den 28e Dennis. Här är mitt telnr ifall det är nåt:

Hans Jörnlind 0702-434313

Utloggad Hans Jörnlind

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Re: WWOC, Hannover, Tyskland 24-31
« Svar #26 skrivet: 2010-07-21, 21:21:49 »
Förresten, är det nån som kan låna ut en gorget till mig under turneringen?

Jag kommer att vara med i rappirturneringen. Eventuellt kan jag köpa om nån har

en till salu.

Hans Jörnlind