Författare Ämne: New historical fencing products from SPES Historical Fencing  (läst 15509 gånger)


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Visit http://www.histfenc.com/ to view and order the products. Among others the Axel Pettersson fencing jacket is now available for purchase, aswell as the Fechtschule Gdansk gambeson, a mask cover that also protects the throat and back of the head, and more. Several new items are also in development.

SPES Historical Fencing gear is a sponsor of Gothenburg Historical Fencing School and is the partner of Fechtschule Gdansk, Vectir and GHFS.

visit the SPES facebok page here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/SPES-Historical-Fencing-Gear/282499938463979\?sk=wall

<a href="http://http//www.histfenc.com/"></a>