Författare Ämne: Sala d'arme Achille Marozzo invite you to participate at "XV UISP Historical Fencing Italian Champio  (läst 27861 gånger)

Utloggad Robin Hedlund

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Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo and Unione Italiana Sport per Tutti (UISP) invite you to participate in the "XV UISP Historical Fencing Italian Championship (Civil disciplines)"  which will be held in Misano Adriatico, on April 26th and 27th 2014.

The tournaments will be:

Saturday, April 26th

Sword Alone (males) - Rounds and knockout stage
Sword Alone (females) - Rounds and knockout stage

Sunday, April 27th

Sword and dagger - open - Knockout stage
Sword and buckler - open - Knockout stage

Participation is reserved to UISP members at a 10€ fee.
Registrations can be done sending an email to segreteria@achillemarozzo.it or through the online form.

People willing to join without a UISP membership have to sign up and contact segreteria@achillemarozzo.it before April, 16th.

Registrations will close on April, 16th.

All the weapons for the tournament will be made available by the organizers. Weapons used will be rattan and synthetic.
Mandatory protective gear is as follows:
Fencing mask 1600N CEN 2 with back of the head protector
Lacrosse, Hockey or HEMA gloves
HEMA Jacket, fencing master jacket or hockey chest protector
Elbow pads
Knee pads
Groin protection for men, breast protection for women
We hope to have you with us!

Should you need further assistance, navigate to
where you will find all the info you need, or simply contact us at

Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo