Apropå det, jag frågade honom om handskarna (det finns ju två versioner på sidan), här är hans svar:
"Dear axel. I used both in fencing, for rapier (left hand only) and for hand-and-a-half practice allways with steel Please realize that the most important part on a steel fight is the self-control of the companion. If the strikes very hard, only a gauntlet (and a good one) will save your hands. . The crt gloves are thicker, they absorb part of the blow with at least a layer that is mostly the double. None of the gloves will remove the pain of a blow, but will keep your hands free of muscle and bone injuries. The forced entry gloves are a little softer, and also offers a lesser size range, in the meaning that if you do not have a large-medium sized hand, you'll have problems with the size. That can be translated also in a better movement of the hand, since the glove fits better when the selected size is the correct one. In this case y prefer the crt also. After a year using them I sincerely prefer the crt. "
89 evro för handskar är ju inget roligt pris, men det är å andra sidan inte brutna ben och lång frånvaro från fäktning heller.